Shaun's Oklahoma Chess
Shaun's Oklahoma Chess:
"Welcome!! To play at the Oklahoma Internet chess night go to the Slics interface page(listed below), where you can download the internet chess interface Slics available for free for Win95/98 and 3.1. Once you install Slics, and start it up go to the bar and select ICS, then go down to D-FICS and select it. It will connect you to the chess server. At this point maximize the "ICS telnet" window, you will see "login" type in any handle you would like to play under and hit enter. You are now ready to play. First type "w a" which stands for who's available, to see a list of players. To talk to players you see just type "tell name hello" to say hello. to play an opponent type "m" for match and the name in other words "m John" to play John, you can also choose any time control you would like. The proposed schedule for now is on Wednesdays at 7p.m. See you there :)!
USCF Ratings Oklahoma Chess Association, Oklahoma Junior Chess,Slics Interface Page
I recently asked 3 I.M's(international masters) on the internet if a person was stuck on an island with no previous knowledge of chess, and they wanted to become a master in a years time, what 5 books would they recommend. They all pretty much gave the formula of 1 endgame book, 1 combo book, and best games of grandmaster's A, B, and C. The two most important things one can do to improve ones game is to 1. Study the endgame, 2. Study Tactics.
For those of you who like to go over GM games, it must be understood, that studying grandmaster games is akin to watching a weightlifter pump iron, to learn good technique, something that certainly has it's place in a good training regimen. However, the studying of complicated endgame studies, and tactics, is akin to actually pumping iron yourself and building your own (chess)muscle. Until you reach at least class (A) level 1800 uscf, or perhaps even until you reach 2000 or expert level, developing this (Chess) muscle alone will be more than sufficient. When you do begin to study grandmaster games, it is advisable to get a collection of a specific GM’s games that plays with a style and a repertoire, you feel that your natural style of play might reflect most closely.